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Job Tracker is designed to Invoice and track jobs
Job Tracker is based around Microsoft, so you can easily send info to a spreadsheet for analyzing.
Job Tracker has Live Pricing, from any supplier, meaning supplier invoices can flow straight into a job to save you manually entering them
In Job Tracker If you receive a remittance advice form a larger customer, you can just tick off the paid jobs from a list to mark them as paid
Its easy to see the total of jobs you have as Work in Progress or as Invoiced
In Job Tracker there is a WHS system
Job Tracker syncs with the Google Calendar to manage workflows
In Job Tracker can create pre-built jobs
Old customers, staff, and materials can be unticked to be inactive, so they show up in the various lists
In Job Tracker you can send brochures etc with Invoices & quotes
Job Tracker can send Statements
In Job Tracker you can include photos embedded in invoices and quotes
Job Tracker has a Special Pricing markup for each customer or for all materials or a specific material option (No Video)
In Job Tracker, invoice can include the customers PO or reference numbers
Multiple recipient email addresses can be added to larger customers so invoices and quotes can be sent to different people
Job Tracker tells you the average days it takes for each customer to pay
Job Tracker has personalised invoice and quote header & footers
In Job Tracker, when a job is created for a specific customer, a popup can be set to message you, eg. DON’T WORK FOR THEM, or MAKE SURE YOU GET A PO etc
In Job Tracker you can have multiple trading names
In Job Tracker, the job list can be set to sort alphabetically or newest job to oldest, or oldest to newest by default
In Job Tracker you can run a Profit comparison between a quote and the real cost
In Job Tracker, you can change the colour of a job in the front screen to identify a specific matter, e.g., make a job in the list green to show it being ready for invoicing.
In Job Tracker customers can have multiple site addresses
In Job Tracker, Electricians can auto send Smoke Detector Certificates of Compliance’s with an invoice (No Video)
Job Tracker has a Mobile job app, a simple way of staff adding labour, materials, or the description of what they did on a job from a phone
In Job Tracker, the description tab, can be setup with default text pre populated in it
In Job Tracker multiple users can be in and using the software all at the same time (No Video)
In Job Tracker, any type of forms you choose can be digitalised to be completed by techs on the job, even customers forms
The Tech version of Job Tracker can be loaded onto a tablet, without pricing etc for staff to use
Job Tracker tells you if the price you paid for a material has gone up or down as you enter it.
Job Tracker has a powerful search tool to lookup old jobs or customers
Job Tracker can send Aged Statements
In Job Tracker, you can choose to show details of labour and materials when invoicing or quoting or just the total
Job Tracker has a Personalised Email signature option
In Job Tracker, progress invoices can be sent for larger jobs
In Job Tracker you can run a Productive hour’s report & many other reports
In Job Tracker, if using the tech version for staff, specific jobs can be assigned to staff in the order you want the work completed
Job Tracker can track profit on specific staff
In Job Tracker, Auto Ordering can be setup to count what you use from vehicles and then a list can be created to re-order and re-stock them
In Job Tracker you can see profit on each job, before you send it
In Job Tracker, if you get paid on the spot, you can hit a button to change the job from In Progress straight to paid and can then email or print a receipt
Job Tracker has a self-updating catalog from your suppliers, or you can switch it off if you only want some materials to auto update
In Job Tracker, you can set different material markups for different customers, different materials
In Job Tracker, a flyer of your choice can be set to attach to every invoice sent, eg Christmas message flyer or promoting a new product or service
Jobs and quotes can be cloned
Job Tracker has rich text format when writing the job/invoice description, different colours, fonts font size and high lighting in the descriptions tab
Template jobs can be created
Job Tracker can track profits on quoted jobs as you proceed
Job Tracker can have Certificates of Compliance forms added to invoices if you need to send them
Random materials can be added easily without needing to create a new catalog item, for one off materials
In Job Tracker you can send photos and documents with invoices & quotes
In Job Tracker you can include photos embedded in invoices and quotes
In Job Tracker, Jobs can be set to re-occur
Customers can log in to their own portal
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